Tuesday, April 19, 2011



2011 年 4 月20 日



(01) 举办活动跟人民取得互动,大选时华裔选民会把票投给马华?

(02) 反对党平时有活动咩,他们有象样的组织网络咩?

(03) 反对党平时没有活动,平时只是在报章上大讲特讲,华裔民众听了很爽,把票交给反对党。

(04) 如果市面出现特别课题,政府做错什么事情,执法人员刁难为难民众,反对党马上跳进去闻风起舞,选票一张送到手上。

(05) 最近在砂劳越补选,火箭党平时在古晋、诗巫、美里,有举办很多亲民活动咩?

(06) 答案肯定是没有,因为根本不需要。

(07) 看到了吗?只要砂州州选炒起白毛霸位不下台,"白毛不倒、人民吃草“,加插其他施政议题,火箭马上升上天空。

(08) 现在白毛推不倒,火箭还不是一样OK,华人选民不会怪罪火箭。

(09) 华人热爱火箭党,至于华基执政党做什么,怎样勤力,怎样搞亲民活动都是没有用的,投票的时候,还是投给火箭的。

(10) 算了吧,只要华人不改变投票态度,不理性探讨政局,华基执政党不能强求,该输则输、当赢则赢。

(11) 举办亲民活动,可以拉拢选民支持,政治理论而已,选民不理智反应,情绪化投票,越亲民越容易败选。


LeslieLeong said...

馬華是什麼來的? 自認代表馬來西亞華人的政黨? 干啦, 它為華人爭取過什麼? 選舉前的幾百萬撥款? 嘜kaki講,kaki 爽啦. 就算我的選區沒大眼睛,沒火箭,我投月亮都不會投給馬華或國陣...

Anonymous said...

Never mind if you want to volt for any party, but there is no need to curse anybody. If you think you are smart, go ahead and vote for anything you like. In fact you can even stand in as a candidate, but again remmber do not belittle MCA. Like it or not it is still a party with 1 million members.

A lot of chinese would just like to curse MCA as if by cursing MCA they can strengthen Chinese political power. If it is so easy to strength chinese political power, just by killing MCA then we can solve the chinese political dilemma overnite. Close down MCA then everything will OK. So easy meh ?

Use yr head a bitlah, to think, to analyse, to reason out, not to scold people.

Anonymous said...

Dear beloved clans,

Please read this article from the link.


Don't blame why MCA is given up from our hope already since Chinese can not keep on tolerate which our country has treat us like second class citizen - No just & right!

We know all just can not overcome immediate. However, it has been 50years already for all us sufered in the dilemma. How many years we can still alive? Can hope only on next generation?
Or as our short life is better to do some changes!

Anonymous said...

leslie leong si just a typical voter who think that by cursing mca chinese politics can be powerful again. this is a coffee shop mentality, where everybody talks like a prime minister but i actual fact they know nothing.

if politics is so simple, then what you think even a pek a shao can become minister already.

cakappolitikmca said...

Ya, correct, MCA is a punching bag for practically anybody in the street. Opposition leaders who are initially unknown lighweights can overnite become very famous just bcos they keep attacking MCA over all issues.

There is a simple way to explain Chinese politics in Malaysia, i.e. by blaming MCA.