Monday, August 16, 2010








(01) 代议士签发支持推荐信,本来就存在的事情,所以出现争议,是DAP自己惹出来的,跟马华没有关系的。

(02) 选民没有提出施压,是DAP主动告诉选民,他们主张政治改造转型,所以上位后,坚决不签发推荐信。

(03) 那时的DAP没有想到自己有机会执政,所以乱讲一通。

(04) 过后,掌握政权,在雪州签发推荐信,引起轩然大波,郑文福被开除,刘天球、邓章钦被吊去问话,才告诉人民从此不再签发支持信。

(05) 如果没有发生郑文福开除事件,DAP还不是静悄悄在做吗?

(06) 民主政治嘛,人民上门要求一纸推荐信,而政治人物依靠选票吃饭,怎么可能当面拒绝呢?

(07) 结果DAP决定跟随前朝政府的行为,暗中发出推荐信,造成今天难以自圆其说。

(08) 所以马华批评一两句是应该的,Teresa 不必挑战蔡细历的,如果一心改革,要老老实实告诉选民,教育他们,要求他们不要以选票威逼政治领袖签发支持信。

(09) 人民自己不改革,政治怎么改革,所以人民先要问问自己,是否愿意改革。

(10) 但是,选民是老板,有那一个从政者胆敢顶撞选民,大选时被选民用选票丢死?

(11) 所以,政治嘛,不要做的虚伪过火,agak-agak 就好,无法办到的事情,不要乱乱承诺。


Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog a year ago..

Your comments sometime ok but I noticed your are
a) pro CSL and anti-OTK
b) Bias to MCA and anti-opposition parties. could be you are from MCA

Appreciate if your articles is "neutral" and comments is based on
with a view to improve "political scene" in Malaysia..

Keep it up !.


cakappolitikmca said...

The cyber world has become quite fanatic smoetimes, dominated by mostly pro-opposition supporter and symphtisers. To these young green horns, the opposition leaders are angels, while the government leaders are devils. This not the right approach to examine political problmes and issues. The cyber world must be balancedly presented for everybody.

It the duty of this blog to stand on the weaker side. If the situation could return to normal, we promise to do the necessary adjustment, not for anybody but for the benefits of rakyat.

Both sides of the political divide must stand up to the rakyat specifications. It is the rakyat who dictates everything finally. That why it is no use attacking one side as if the other side is totally useless. Sooner than later, rakyat will regret for taking one-sided stand in politics.