柔佛Simpang Renggam 区会主席黄清源
4) 蔡细历出事后,多次在报章上称其性爱光碟事件是政治阴谋,以一贯的冷嘲方式,暗示是党内领袖算计他,也多次在公众论坛上抨击总会长和党领袖,包括指总会长 不应出任柔州马华主席,严重违反党员行为守则1.6条(所有党员不得道听途说,毫无根据的抨击党,党领袖及其他党员)和1.8条(所有党员必须通过党内管 道处理及解决党内纠纷或不满。)
马华Simpang Renggam区部主席
(01) 这封信写在2008年5月28日,区会党选之前,致给当时的纪律委员会主席陈广才,不是现任者黄俊杰。
(02) 黄俊杰是在新届领导产生之后,才受委担任纪律委员会主席,除非黄清源重新投诉,已经逾期的投诉应该作废。
(03) 性光碟事件在2008年1月1日已经结案审结,黄清源在同年5月28日继续呈函投诉,应该受到对付的是黄清源,因为他已经违反党中央的决定。
(04) 如果根据2008年1月1日中委会紧急会议的决定,会长理事会根本不应该在同年5月继续接受黄清源再次投诉。
(05) 投诉公函所列举的重点指责,根本不需要黄清源旧事重提,指指点点,大家都十分清楚。
(06) 去年10月18日党选投票时,中央代表也知道,但是,他们还是投选蔡细历,等于原谅当事人,给他机会改过自新。
(07) 黄清源到底是谁,他的区会只有15个代表,他的一个人的动作,可以推翻1115中央代表的决定吗?
(08) 中央代表好辛苦、好认真,投票选出新届领导,纪律委员一个纠缠不清的动作,一举摧毁整个党?
(09) 东窗事发之后,蔡细历辞去所有官职和党职,20多年从政心血付诸东流,这样的惩罚还不够吗?
(10) 黄清源到底想怎样,是不是想要把蔡细历打入18层地狱(如果相信来世有地狱),落得永不超生,心里才甘愿?
(11) 还记得事发当晚,时任总会长的黄家定公开证实,既然当事人自愿辞去所有官职和党职,党决定不再追究这件事情。
(12) 当晚中委会召集紧急会议,不但议决结案不再追究性光碟事件,而且还记录在案,感谢蔡细历在任期间,对党和国家作出贡献。
(13) 既然党中委会已经结案不追究,再经过党最高权力机构-中央代表大会投票表决,纪律委员怎能以下犯上,推翻中央代表大会的决定。
(14) 黄清源不能以“刘德贤案件”来衡量“性光碟事件,因为,中委会从来没有针对刘德贤案件作出终极判决。该项案件一直留存在纪律委员会的档案里,直到警方宣布结案不追究。
(15) 让过去成为过去,收手吧,黄清源应该收回这封投诉公函。
Many MCA blind-folded supporters and ass kissers said that there is nothing wrong with the No 1 Man, I am not in any position to say that they are incorrect, neither can I say that you are perfectly right. Before we go further, any one wanna give me your explanations / views on the following issues that had recently upset most silent people's minds:
1. Is it true that even if a person who had made mistakes before or committed some wrong doings and had been punished, he or she can't be given a chance to turn over a new leaf? It seems MCA is practicing this punitive style and punishment now! Then we can suggest close down all the jails because no one will ever turn good after being punished, sentence them to death!) (Not my opinion, it's some other GREAT man's opinion that no one can be cleaned after wrong doing!)
2. If we want to increase the number of women representatives in the cabinet or ministry level, then why is the vice president of the MCA Women who is also a MP not given the chance? Why is it that the secretary must go through the back door to be given the chance so as to be appointed as a deputy minister? You may say that it's the absolute right and power of the president, but do you know that in the eyes of the Anti-Corruption Units, now MACC, there is a type of corruption which is called Corruption of Power and can be charged??? After all, the quota was supposed to belong to Johore (as it was seized from Teng, a Johore MP, and Johore won 7 /15 MP seats for MCA!!!
3. Another candidate lost in the 308 election went through the backdoor, sigh, again from the MCA Women. I guess many people don't like Nazri, but today's paper reported what he said: if in the future, using the DNA test can verify that the offspring belongs to Teoh Beng Hock, then there is no law can stop the baby to be registered as Teoh's son. I agree in toto what he said, at least for the first time he spoke something sensible, but know what the lady said? She asked for amendments of the law, and similar to what Sharizah said, laws are laws, can't be changed, so can't register as Teoh's child. Goosh, my god, these two ladies ... ('no eyes to see', please read in cantonese, haha. Please don't quote me as gender Discriminative person, I don't mean to offend any ladies, but just these two, sigh ... Ask if Soh is Sharizah's daughter, what would she do?) So, you want to suggest this type of person through the backdoor to be deputy minister? Ask the Port Klang people how good was Dr.Tan when she was MP of Klang and as Parliamentary Secretary. But that type of superb and capable lady was pushed to dead corner by MCA, till she had to leave. Hope the Alliance Party can fully utilize and use her capability and ability to optimum, otherwise is a great waste to the nation!
... to continue ...
... continued ...
4. Why Tan Seri Tee must be appointed as the Wilayah KL's MCA chief when he is already the treasurer of MCA? Why can't leave the post of Tan who had won high votes as the central committee?
5. Why when Selangor, a state falling into the reign of Alliance Party, a critical state that needs more care and attention, he as the No 1 Man didn't stay in Selangor to help BN to win back Selangor? See, our beloved PM is leading the UMNO in Selangor now, and that's the way all other MCA leaders should be ashamed of because they don't have the guts to do that! If not at least leave the state to Lim SC, who is local and been in Selangor long, compared to a Terengganu man who has already obtained several high posts through backdoors.
6. My humble question and suggestion: If you are the No. 1 Man, would you appoint Dr. Chua as the Chairman of Johore MCA and Ong KC as the Secretary General (because his people voted for you to win the seat) but both won't be appointed as minister due to some reasons so as to gain supports from both sides? Then the disciples of both sides will praise you and say that you are very kind and you are a forgiving man. Will you? I will, but dream only because I'm not involved in politics, just day dreaming and speaking nuts, haha.
I don't mean to dig Dr. Chua’s wound but just I was told by a police inspector that Dr. Chua can file a civil case against the persons who keeps maleficently and maliciously dismayed, demeant and damaged your name and family life especially if Dr. Chua’s wife and children felt uneasy because of seemingly aroused public obloquy especially when the case was officially closed by MCA Disciplinary Board headed by Tan last year and the police also closed the case. Why didn't Dr. Chua do that? He can win the case!
I just don't know what the hell is wrong with the people in this world, especially in our beloved motherland. A person who has the courage to apologize and design from every post but later due to strong supports from grassroots who see his ability, capability and accountability cannot be given a chance to contribute to the nation again! Goosh, those people who only put up masks to be good people are in fact not better than demons and devils!!!!
Datuk, all silent people support your courage and strong will and your ability to lead. In fact, I heard from most medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals regularly, you were the best Minister of Health thus far! (Please, I am not polishing your shoes, haha!)
I beg your thousand apology if there is anything you feel offended. This is merely a plain daydream opinion. Buddha bless Datuk and all of you sincere bloggers!
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