王德齐 | 7月18日 下午4点05分
(01) 蔡锐明正式退出马华,加盟公正党,参加”reformasi” 运动,一位前任部长,前任副总会长,突然跳过对面,严重打击党和政府,自然不在话下。
(02) 昨天廖仲莱还在掩饰,蔡锐明在马华有发挥的空间,相信跳槽是谣言,不到24小时,蔡锐明已经走过对面,从此跟马华对着干。
(03) 蔡锐明乃将士之才,相信往后有更多马华党人陆续跳槽。
(04) 蔡锐明跳槽,柔佛华人政治顿时陷入动荡,今后局势对国阵十分不利。
(05) 这边蔡锐明跳槽,那边有多位来自柔州的党领袖被纪律委员传召,随时送上断头台,后果是什么,你想想看,今后的柔佛还可能是国阵的堡垒吗?
(06) 总会长翁诗杰亲自领导的州属,属下区会主席蔡锐明带队集体跳槽公正党,还需要解释吗?
(07) 总会长刻意到柔佛州掌控马华,说要强化和整合这个州属,话还没说完,茶未喝完,政治地震马上爆发。
(08) 本来强大稳定、长胜不败的州属,如今弄的人气溃散、动荡不安、四分五裂,在任州联委会主席还能推卸责任吗?
(09) 完了完了,不必劳烦纪律委员会发信传召,党员自己自愿离开,这样不是很好吗,拔除眼中钉,建立朋党皇朝。
(10) 本刊说过,柔佛柔佛,名字带上“佛缘”,但愿佛祖多多保佑吧。
I think our beloved PM and the Johore MB ought to step in now: Only johore local born people to lead the Johore MCA!!!! Why when Dr. Chua and Mr Tan Kok Huang were leading the Johore MCA, it was hormoniously united? Now? Sigh!!!!
Why is it Dr Chua's case which was over long ago and was already closed by the former Disciplinary Borad. If the new Disciplinary Board were to dig out Dr. Chua's case, then the Greatest Man's case when He headed the youth was also NOT settled as before it was settled, Dr Lim stepped down and Tan Seri Ong took over the party, the case was dropped but not mentioned closed! It was just kept in silent after the Greatest Man sent in a written reply in the first hearing. So, in order to be fair, the new Disciplinary Board ought to file the case against the Greatest Man too so that justice is seemed to be done in MCA even though all of us know that MCA was more shodowed ever before!!!!!.
I think the lesson from the Menteri Besar of Johore to the Greatest Man in the world about the issue that the party in Johore was intentionally divided is not enough! This time our beloved PM should be more furious rather than just question Him!!! If the BN were to lose supports again due to so many other factors, MCA leaders should help our beloved PM to gain the support of the chinese community instead of causing more anger and agony amongst the peopel by non-stopping digging out issues against people who speak the true.
The Disciplinary Board should also ask the Greatest Man in the world to give full detail explanation satisfying every MCA member that why action should not be taken against Him, afterall He had done so much injustice to other party members and keep spoiling the good name of MCA as every now and then He blames so many MCA members publicly. Isn't it too bad that the top most party Leader had received the most negative but true comments compared to the previous leaders?
If other regional MCA leaders who just openly 'give' advice to party leaders not to damage party's good name as the leaders keep exposing unfounded 'inside stories' to outsiders and and being called up by the Disciplinary Board to give show case explanation, why is the Greatest Man exempted????
Dr. Chua and Datuk Chua's cases are not the mere cases, what about the His supporters who helped Him to be the No 1; The Ong brothers' people? Sigh!!!!!
Wake them up, pleasessssssss but I strongly believe our beloved PM knows what to do !!! even though DPM said they won't interfere, but Johore MB could have step in!!!!!
OTK believe that nobody is better than him. He is everything. He knows everything best, he can make no mistake. Looking at the way things are going, the BN fortress in Johore is going to fall in the next General Election, thereby paving the way for the collapse of Federal Government.
I agree fully that BN chairman and the PM must step in. This MCA President ought to be removed b4 he create disaster for others. Better lose one person than losing the whole government.
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