

(01) 黄洁冰一把眼泪一把鼻涕,坚决献议辞职,请假出国静思,然后大方接受挽留,回来复职上任,其实早就安排好了,不值得大惊小怪。
(01) 黄洁冰一把眼泪一把鼻涕,坚决献议辞职,请假出国静思,然后大方接受挽留,回来复职上任,其实早就安排好了,不值得大惊小怪。
(02) 既然当初坚决辞职,事过两个月后,为什么改变初衷?
(03) 对于黄洁冰半裸体事件,两个月前,一般民众的看法,跟两个后的一般立场有什么不同?
(04) 两个月前是道德问题,两个月后是“个人隐私被侵犯”,是谁说的,是当事人自己说,还是公众这么认为?
(05) 如果同样的问题发生在国阵议员的身上,民联议员会轻易放过吗?
(06) 以前卫生部长卷入性爱光碟事件,不曾听说过有民联议员站出来说;部长不需要辞职。
(07) 黄洁冰接受挽留续任官职,势必引起新一轮的道德论战,马华卫道之士包括翁总本身,千万不要浪费时间,快点跳进来,再次热炒道德论啊。
(08) 如果黄洁冰事件是一场“政治阴谋”,如今幕后黑手的目的不能得逞,他们就此罢休不再追究吗?
(09) 黄洁冰不应该说,自己坚持复职是为了保护其他女性从政者,因为其他人的私人行为,不会是跟黄洁冰一模一样的。
(10) 算了吧,既然选择复职就复职,第一天回到办公室,记得第一时间告诉全国人民你要怎样将功赎罪。
typical running dog's comment, MCA dun ever think to get chinese's votes with tis kind of blog. With more then 13k visited, but ur blog just shown few comments, WHY ? Tis proofed tat u scare to face the reality. MCA..Stop being an ostrich party.
i m not anonymous, my email is hlchoo@live.com
In response to Andrew,
In any political discussion, nobody should claim that he has the monopoly of truth. Andrew has labeled this blog as running dog of MCA and by looking at his comments I could also lable him as the “running dog of certain paty”. He has jumped to simple conclusion, so why can’t we do the same ?
This blog may have discussed a lot of issues on MCA but it does not belong to MCA, rather it belongs to all netizens who love to engage in political discourse. However, just because netizens are generally pro-opposition, they will attack any blogger that take the neutral ground. To netizens like Andrew, the only right way to comment on public issues is to attack the government or the ruling parties, no matter what happens. If they ever discover any blogger does not stick to “anti-government “ or “anti-ruling party” sentiment, they will go all out to attack , smear them so that they finally dare not write anything of that sort but instead play to the gallery pro-opposition netizens. This is a very disturbing trend in local politics, because the cyberspace has gone fanatic just like the mainstream media has gone extreme. There exist great spinners of stories, in both media, alternative and mainstream. Both sides are equally at faults, because democracy dictates that there must be sufficient space for opposing views on any public issues.
We do not care who come into power, who finally rules the country, but people like Andrew already made up their mind, it is the party he supports (PR) will capture power in the next general election. And because they are (netizens) so determined to help the opposition, sympathizers and supporters of Pakatan has become so fanatic that they allow nobody to say anything against them. What is this all about ? If netizens treasure democracy and freedom of speech, they better be prepared to tolerate differing opinions. How the rakyat going to give you power if PR and their supporters has become so arrogant before they succeed in taking over the government ?
For your information, this blog is not for MCA, not against MCA, not for Pakatan, not against Pakatan. It is all about political discourse, blending all sorts of opinions through meaningful discussions. We do not welcome people using abusive language like “running dog”. Whether you BN or Pakatan please bear in mind other people has the equal rights to different opinions just like you Andrew has the right to differ from our stand. BUT BEAR IN MIND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ANYBODY RUNNING DOG. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE TO READ OUR BLOG PLEASE STAY AWAY.
We allow people to use anonymous posting because we believe everybody is a responsible individual. We do not care about whether you provide your email address or not to substantiate your identity. We only care about the contents of posting without resorting to abusive words like “running dogs”.
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