(1) 翁诗杰卷入千万政治献金丑闻,倒翁浪潮由暗转明,党内地位随时不保,所以先下手为强。
(2) 被纳吉委为国阵总协调之后,蔡医生势力日益飚升,不得不先铲除后患。
(3) 翁诗杰乃308大选后的政治怪胎,基层势力薄弱,当上总会长高处不胜寒,不过,他一向来疑神疑鬼的内心状态,导致他以为开除蔡细历是唯一的途径。
(4) 老翁是一个不折不扣的政治怪胎,身边没有团队智囊,党内事务往往一人胡思乱想,情绪指数达到“走火入魔”的状态,所以,决定亲自操刀,干掉蔡细历。
(5) 老翁在党内独行独往,担任马青总团长期间被冻结职权,尚能突围担任总会长,导致他误信任何混乱动荡的局面,越是对自己有利。
(6) 老翁相信自己手上挂着大串佛铢,只要空闲时口中不断喃喃有语,无论面对任何政治风险,都可以安然无事。
(7) 去年党选以来,老翁一直沉醉在党内权术游戏,没有任何特出的表现,为了自保自顾,索性在党内掀开一场权争,以转移党员和华社的视线。
(8) 身边几个应声虫,给老总提出错误的劝告,导致他误信;可以轻易挫败基层召集特大。
(9) 在“千万献金疑云”之后,老翁失去了道德的光环,逐渐原形毕露,无法再阻挡蔡派的攻势,唯有一次过清算党内异议声音。
(10) 老翁以为自己口才了得,只要继续召开一系列汇报,就能够说服基层党员,接受纪律委员会的决定。
Call for EGM now! Now or NEVER, mCA wake up!!!!!
MCA is half-dead anyway. No need to call for EGM lah. Even Chua wins in the EGM, so what, the Chinese community will still close down MCA in the next election.
You guys never think properly. Nowadays, who else care about MCA? By the way, Anwar was also sacked from UMNO because of sex scandal, so Chua was accorded the same BN's standards too. Do you think UMNO will support Chua? Dream big loh.
The 5 old men might only be following BN's standard of procedure, so, why blame them? And for OTK, he might be sacked by these 5 old men one day too because he is also involved in big scandal.
人身攻击- no standard punya blog.
Anonymous, How can Displinary Board sack the President, the moment you say like this, I know you are the greenhorn in MCA. The party constitution says DB mebers are appointed by President, works under the direction of President. The moment DB members fail to adhere to the Presidential dierction, they will be sacked.
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