Wednesday, September 23, 2009








(01) 翁总在沙巴州数名区会主席面前毒骂同志是一条狗,现在忘记了吗?不要忘记,人来了,快点安排仪式,到庙堂烧香拜神,向神明表白,“如果我有骂过XXX是狗,我不得好死。。。。。”。

(02) 在还没有砍下“蔡头”之前,翁总一副悲情可怜、十面埋伏,一把鼻涕、一把眼泪,游说基层支持他向老蔡开刀。

(03) 因为翁总随时退位,所以,不能不把“蔡头”砍掉,以除后患。
(04) 在成功说服众纪委、会长理事会成员开除老蔡之后,翁总慢慢不提“随时退位”的问题,而且表明不赞同第三方案。

(05) 在发生千万政治献金丑闻时,翁总说自己彻查PKFZ引起十面埋伏,已经豁了出去,被人拉倒也在所不惜。

(06) 所以市面上有倒翁运动,他不在乎,倒翁或不倒翁完全不重要。

(07) 可是,近一个多星期以来,翁总态度改变了,他没有意愿退位,他决定留下来抗战到底,因为他知道第三势力不成气候,廖江配或江廖配,其实都没有料到。

(08) 马华党内,眼下只有蔡细历的势力,能够跟翁总直接抗衡,其他部长、副部长都没有料到。

(09) 只要成功除掉蔡细历,翁总可以独霸天下,唯我独尊,实现皇朝统治。

(10) 只要特大获得胜利,铲除党内均衡势力,最近亲民亲代表的翁总,将再次原形毕露变成霸道滥权、好斗逞强的领袖。

(11) 特大是捍卫党内民主的关口,特大第一提案失守,翁总胜利,将择日登基即位,马华变成“公羽”皇朝,年号叫“安邦”。


功夫熊猫 said...



Anonymous said...

Please try not to look down Sabah politic, no body here like go to chinese temple CHOP CHICKEN HEAD, here a lot Hainan Chicken Rice, well tasting and good to try. Sabah People is welcoming OTK because he as a Transport Minister , solve problems on Puspakom & JPJ better than LLS. Bloggers please not mistaken by MCA Su or Blogger Chu , Sabah is a nice place with 32 ethnic groups, full of cultures , but now has influx of immigrants from Indonesia & Philippine.Sabah has many chinese temples but no temple here welcome dirty MCA politician come here to CHOP CHICKEN HEAD. Sabah people do not like LLS , but OKT & OTK who really work for chinese community, they can feel it.

Anonymous said...

OTK came to Sabah for a short visit , met 75% Division Chairmen or 70% Delegates. Divisions Chairmen like Silam/Batu Sapi/Beaufort/Beluran/Tuaran/Kimanis/Putatan yet to meet him can not say not support President. These division chairmen knew the Sabah Chinese want the MCA Delegates to support whom.While they cast the votes, sure they would make the right choice.

Anonymous said...

As proposed by Sabah MCA Liaison Chairman, Edward Khoo , the new TAR college building will be set up in Sandakan following a site visit of OTK yesterday together with Beluran , Batu Sapi division chairman & delegates. The same day CSL in Kota Kinabalu able to meet Kimanis,Sipitang & Putatan division chairman. CSL fail to visit Sandakan. Now leaving Silam/Beaufort/Tuaran their stand yet to know. The latest news from Silam division , majority will side OTK.

Anonymous said...

Sabah is not belong to CSL :
Records of Sabah MCA Founders/Chief :
1. Dato Sri Lim Ah Lek
2. Dato Sri Teng Chew Peh
3. Dato Sri Fung Chan Onn
4. Dato Sri Ong Ka Ting
5. Dato Edward Khoo from Sandakan Division.
Most Influence MCA Leader in Sabah :
1. Dato Sri Ong Ka Ting
2. Dato Sri Ong Teat Keat
3. Dato Sri Chua Jiau Meng
4. Dato Sri Liaw Tiong Lai
Sabah MCA has 149 delegates and 90% delegates will support Leader with good moral.